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abdominoplasty – A tummy Tuck Surgery

Before you schedule a Tummy Tuck (also known as abdominoplasty), you should discuss your medical history with your doctor. This includes current medications, prior surgeries, and allergies. You should also disclose if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight. Your doctor will ask about this and take pictures of your abdomen. You should be in good health, as a Tummy Tuck can be a life-changing surgery. For more information, contact a plastic surgeon for consultation.

What is a Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)?

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a cosmetic surgery that focuses on tightening the abdominal muscles and removing excess fat. There are many benefits of abdominoplasty, including a flatter, smoother tummy. To qualify for this procedure, you must be at least 21 years old, a non-smoker, and within a few pounds of your ideal weight.

There are many different types of tummy tucks. Other types of tummy tuck surgeries can meet different aesthetic goals. Depending on the amount of excess skin and lax muscle on the abdomen, a different kind of tummy tuck might be better suited for you. The most common type of tummy tuck surgery is a full abdominoplasty, the most invasive procedure.

A standard tummy tuck involves incisions around the belly button and hip bones. The surgeon then tightens abdominal muscles and removes excess skin. He may also perform liposuction to reduce the excess fat. A recovery period of two weeks is standard after a traditional tummy tuck. This procedure is ideal for healthy men and women with excess skin or fatty deposits on the midsection.

The Perfect Tummy Tuck Candidate

Before scheduling your procedure, you should know your overall health and determine if you are the perfect candidate for a tummy tuck. You should have excess skin and fat around your stomach and stable weight. You should not smoke and be willing to stop for several weeks. The ideal candidate is someone with no significant history of obesity or diabetes. You should also have realistic expectations. After all, you want to look good in your clothes, not hide them.

Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) Recovery

Most people enjoy their new figure after undergoing a tummy tuck. However, some complications may occur, and bruising is a possible side effect. This is a cosmetic procedure that requires a recovery time of several months. You can maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to maintain the results. Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic procedures but may cover hernia repair surgeries.

During a tummy tuck, the surgeon will make two incisions on your abdomen: a horizontal one around your navel. The surgeon will then remove excess skin and tighten your abdominal muscles. A second incision will be made around your navel to address excess skin above your belly button. Although both incisions are small, each has a different risk of developing a seroma.

During your tummy tuck recovery, it is essential to keep the surgical scar as clean and dry as possible. A full abdominoplasty scar will run horizontally and extend from hip to hip bone. It will fade over time, but it will remain visible for up to one year. To reduce the appearance of the scar, you should follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions carefully. A silicone sheet is a great option, as it helps the scars fade over time.

A tummy tuck recovery period may vary for each patient. Generally, it would be best if you planned to take between two and six weeks off work. The recovery period depends on your age, your tummy tuck type, and the extent of your surgery. Those with extensive tummy tucks should plan on two weeks off work. You may have five to seven days of oral pain medications, limiting your ability to drive or function at work. Some patients will return to a sedentary job a week after surgery. Your surgeon will discuss your specific postoperative care with you so you can be sure to follow the instructions and recovery time.

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